Male Sexual Wellness
We treat your mental and physical health to enhance your male sexuality. Maintain your life balance with our Men’s health treatment methods.

What you should know?
Low-Intensity Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy, also known as Bioelectrical Stimulation, is a non-invasive, quick and safe procedure that can effectively help treat erectile dysfunction. We will apply numb cream to the area treated, so that there is minimal pain and you are comfortable during the procedure. During the procedure, a probe emitting low intensity sound waves is applied to the area treated. These sound waves break up cholesterol plaques that slow down blood flow in the penis. These sound waves have also been found to stimulate the growth of new vessels in the penis, therefore increasing blood flow and enhancing sensitivity in the penis. We recommend 6-8 sessions 2 weeks apart for maximum results. Thereafter, patients can have sessions as needed for maintenance therapy.
How long does the procedure take
Roughly 1 hour
Minimal, you can resume sexual activity the very next day
Male Sexual Wellness
A. Bioelectrical Stimulation
What you should know?
Low-Intensity Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy, also known as Bioelectrical Stimulation, is a non-invasive, quick and safe procedure that can effectively help treat erectile dysfunction. We will apply numb cream to the area treated, so that there is minimal pain and you are comfortable during the procedure. During the procedure, a probe emitting low intensity sound waves is applied to the area treated. These sound waves break up cholesterol plaques that slow down blood flow in the penis. These sound waves have also been found to stimulate the growth of new vessels in the penis, therefore increasing blood flow and enhancing sensitivity in the penis. We recommend 6-8 sessions 2 weeks apart for maximum results. Thereafter, patients can have sessions as needed for maintenance therapy.
How long does the procedure take?
Roughly 1 hour
Minimal, you can resume sexual activity the very next day
B. Priapus Shot (P Shot)
What you should know?
This exciting treatment uses PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) injections into specific areas of the penis to induce healing and regeneration of blood vessels, which in turn improves sensitivity, erectile strength and performance. Patients who have had this procedure done report improved sexual stamina, increased sensation and pleasure and increased firmness of erection. The treatment requires a small amount of blood taken from the client and processed in a machine which will isolate the thin layer rich in growth factors (PRP). The genital area is numbed with local anaesthetic cream prior to the procedure, resulting in minimal to no discomfort during the procedure. We recommend 6 sessions 4 weeks apart for maximum results. Thereafter, patients can have sessions as needed for maintenance therapy.
How long does the procedure take?
Roughly 30 to 40 minutes
We recommend that patients refrain from sexual activities for up to two weeks to recover from the injections
Balanced Health
Want a Professional Assistance?
Sexual life deviates due to an “N” number of factors. Addressing the reasons may need some assistance. Let our experts help you to regain satisfaction in your personal life.
What you should know?
Labia comes in all sizes, shapes and forms. Some women feel uncomfortable with how their labia feel and look. This may manifest as reduced self confidence and sexual satisfaction. At Dr Jasmine clinic, patients are first seen by our expert doctors for a comprehensive consultation and assessment prior to the procedure to ensure their expectations are met. The procedure is performed under local anaesthesia in a sterile manner. The area treated will be numbed completely with local anaesthetic injections. You will be awake during the procedure however you will also be given adequate pain killers to assist with the pain and keep you comfortable.
How long the procedure lasts
Roughly one hour
We recommend that patients refrain from sexual activities for up to two week to recover from the injections
C. Testosterone Replacement Therapy
What you should know?
Testosterone is a hormone produced primarily in the testicles. As you age, your testosterone level gradually declines, roughly 1% a year after age 30.Low testosterone levels can affect your mood, cause profound fatigue, weight gain, reduced sex life/libido and difficulty concentrating to name a few. Good news is,low testosterone levels are treatable via testosterone replacement injections. Testosterone replacement therapy has improved the quality of life of a growing multitude of men worldwide. At Dr Jasmine Clinic, our expert doctors utilize medical laboratory testing and evaluations to determine how low your testosterone levels are. Most patients begin to notice improvements in the first month of therapy, although most significant changes begin to occur at the 4-6 week mark.
How long does the procedure take?
20 minutes
No downtime
How can we help?
We care for your skin health. Fill in the form to avail our free consultation.