A subcision for active acne and acne scar is one of the easiest and most painless treatments to clear skin dullness and scars.

Subcision For Acne Scar

What you should know?

This is technique used to treat depressions and dimples that occur as a result of acne scarring on the face. This effective and painless treatment can improve the depth of depressions and dimples by up to 50%. During the procedure, local anaesthesia will be applied under the skin, and a blunt needle will be used to break up all the fibrous tissue holding the skin down and causing the depressions and dimples. The results are usually noticeable after 2-3 treatments. Our doctors will recommend an appropriate number of treatment sessions in order to get the best results possible.

How long the procedure takes

Roughly 20 minutes

Down time


Subcision For Acne Scar

What you should know?

This is a technique used to treat depressions and dimples that occur as a result of acne scarring on the face. This effective and painless treatment can improve the depth of depressions and dimples by up to 50%. During the procedure, local anaesthesia will be applied under the skin, and a blunt needle will be used to break up all the fibrous tissue holding the skin down and causing the depressions and dimples. The results are usually noticeable after 2-3 treatments. Our expert doctors will recommend an appropriate number of treatment sessions in order to get the best results possible.

How long does the procedure take?

Roughly 20 minutes

Down time

Minimal, you may expect some facial swelling post procedure for up to 24 hours

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